CoC Match requirements?
Match funds, in the context of Continuum of Care (CoC) programs, are funds that must be contributed by recipients and subrecipients to meet the matching requirements set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Match funds can be used for various purposes within the CoC programs, The CoC Program requires a 25 percent match of the awarded grant.
Goals of the highest importance.
$378,000 Match- Cost reqirement
This is our required match cost in proportion to the grants requested to fund our programs.
1000 Pledge Partners
This is our goal in aquiring financial partners to help us sustain and grow our programs.
AOG's- Agents Of Grace
These are indivisuals who are willing to provide any resource or expertise to help HBF acomplish its vision.
What "Match funds" do
Direct Program Costs: Match funds can be used to cover direct program costs, such as providing housing assistance to homeless individuals or families, offering case management services, or supporting emergency shelter operations.
Administrative Costs: They can be used to cover administrative expenses related to program management, including staff salaries, office space, utilities, and other overhead costs.
Supportive Services: Match funds can be allocated to provide supportive services like mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, employment counseling, and life skills training for program participants.
Housing-Related Expenses: These funds can be used to cover housing-related expenses, including security deposits, utility payments, and rental assistance for participants.
Outreach and Engagement: They can support outreach efforts to identify and engage individuals and families experiencing homelessness and facilitate their entry into CoC programs.
Homelessness Prevention: Match funds can be directed towards homelessness prevention activities, which may include financial assistance for those at risk of losing their housing.
Rapid Rehousing: In the case of Rapid Rehousing programs, match funds can be used to help individuals and families secure permanent housing quickly, including rental assistance and move-in costs.
Data Collection and Reporting: Some portion of match funds can be allocated to data collection and reporting activities to ensure compliance with HUD's reporting requirements and to assess program outcomes.